Andrew's Digital Garden

Reusable components and margin

Margin should be thought of as a property that defines the relationship between two elements, rather than tied to a single element. Adding margin to a components' styles makes it much harder to use it in different contexts. As it affects siblings and those around it, it can often lead to pages having unwanted margins from inner components that were initially not used in this way.

Components should only style things within themselves, otherwise it makes component encapsulation harder. Thus, a similar problem with margin in components exists when using z-index.

Margin is like putting glue on something before you’ve decided what to stick it to, or if it should be stuck to anything

Instead, use layout components that encapsulate margin-related styling, such as Stack, Spacer, etc. or things such as CSS Grid.

Padding is fine as it affects inner, margin is not as it affects outer.

[[20200314214239-layout-components]] [[20210519122422-first-class-space]] [[20220720010623-reusable-components-and-widths]]]]

[[componentapi]] [[components]] [[css]] [[designsystem]] [[designsystemapi]] [[layout]] [[space]]

Reusable components and margin