Andrew's Digital Garden

Not sure what this is yet, but some thoughts on component design

#todo #thoughts

Object props vs compound components

Object props (and list props, sometimes called 'config props') refers to something like items, which is an array of items each with their own properties that get rendered by the parent in some way Compount components are similar to the select/option HTML elements

tl;dr - object props are more consistent, type safe and thus restrictive too. Compound components are more flexible but offer more chance for misuse.

With object props

  • Easier to build
  • Harder to pass props to children elements
    • These props may not necessarily be the item API, but something like tabIndex or aria-label
    • Everything needs to be added to the API
  • Might be more simple, but does it scale as well? Can eventually become brittle.
    • e.g. if an item can take 20 props, that API starts to become a mess
  • Less DOM flexibility
    • Although a render prop can help with that, e.g. renderItem that provides props to spread (using prop getters)
  • Locked down: harder to misuse, but also hard to reuse (tradeoffs)
  • Can be strongly typed with TS

With compound components


  • More flexible, way more control about how the component is rendered / DOM flexibility
    • Can even provide your own 'smaller' props by hooking into the context or whatever else you need to, rather than the provided component
  • How do you restrict the API to not allow footguns?
  • How do you access state at the call sites if necessary?
    • e.g. an accordion needs to know whats open
    • Render props?
  • Harder to know about the contract between components
  • Still writing JSX but state the user doesn't care about (e.g. aria props, etc) can be hidden away without requiring render props/prop getters to access them
  • Can be made with cloneElement or context (more flexible)
  • Better composition
  • Potential for misuse
  • Can't be strongly typed
  • Potentially better for more complicated components when an array/object data structure becomes too bloated


  • Is that an alternative?
    • Allows you to store state at the call site, so it's already 'lifted up'
  • Creates 'headless' UI components

[[20210922153924-headless-ui-components]] [[20210908155508-flexibility-components]]

[[components]] [[react]] [[reactapi]] [[reacthooks]]
