Andrew's Digital Garden

Distributive Omit & Pick

Pick<> and Omit<> are not applied distributively to union types by default (i.e. to each union subtype). Instead, they are applied the common proprties of the union.

type Base<T> = T & { base: string; } type A = { a: string; } type B = { b: string; } type P = (Base<A> | Base<B>) & { toRemove: string }; type Q = Omit<P, "toRemove">; // Q is actually { base: string }, not Base<A> | Base<B>

An alternative approach is to use a custom version of Omit (or Pick) that applies distributively over a union type:

type DistributiveOmit<T, K extends keyof T> = T extends unknown ? Omit<T, K> : never;


Distributive Omit & Pick