Andrew's Digital Garden

Writing matters in remote work

Writing saves time. [[20211203043016-writing-saves-time]]

“Five people in a room for an hour isn’t a one hour meeting, it’s a five hour meeting.”

Just like building a web app, “writes” are expensive, but “reads” should be “cheap”, so avoid introducing mental N +1s into the system whenever possible

Writing is asynchronous, and non-disruptive. People can chime in on their own time. Not everything can be solved asynchronously - use meetings as a last resort.

Remote work writing often necessitates less frequent, more detailed writing. Clear and more comprehensive writing is required to provide the necessary context and answers. When this is not the case, ambiguity and follow-up questions creep in, which slows down throughput immensely. A simple clarification question now can take 24hr+ to get an answer, so try to be comprehensive the first time around.

Writing removes extrovert bias, it allows quieter people time to gather their thoughts, and respond on an even playing field

Writing invites other perspectives, it forces you think clearly about what you are trying to say.

[[career]] [[communication]] [[engineering]] [[writing]]

Writing matters in remote work