Andrew's Digital Garden

ARIA Landmark roles


Semantic HTML elements should be preferred when creating regions, see [[20211209092931-aria-landmark-regions-html]]

Banner Site oriented content at the beginning of each page. Typically includes a site logo, and global nav.

Complementary A supporting section of the document, designed to be complementary to the main content at a similar level in the DOM heirarchy, but still meaningful when separated.

Contentintfo Common information at the bottom of each page, a 'footer'. Typically includes links to privacy/legals, copyright, etc.

Form A region that contains a collection of objects and items that combine to create a form. Use this only if search or main is not applicable.

Main Primary content of the page.

Navigation Groups of links that are intended to be use for website or page content navigation.

Region Section of the page containing content that is sufficiently important for users to be able to navigate to the section. Useful for identifying content that named landmarks do not appropriately describe.

Search A collection of objects and items that combine to create search functionality.

[[a11y]] [[html]]

ARIA Landmark roles