Andrew's Digital Garden

Better engineers bring business value


Some half-thoughts on senior engineers.

As your seniority grows, you go from completing tasks, to providing business value.

Instead of asking what card to pick up, you help create and refine cards. [[20211007190845-what-to-do]] Instead of blindly completing a task, you ask questions [[20220411123326-owning-projects-senior-engineer]] Instead of siloed work, you force multiply to get projects done [[20220411123138-senior-engineers-get-nothing-done]]

You start to help with bigger projects, work on strategy more than code, and help others achieve broader team goals, rather than your own.

This aligns with how you can sell yourself to prospective companies too. You don't just write code, you provide value through code and knowledge.

You're not paid for effort - you're paid for the value you bring.

[[career]] [[engineering]]

Better engineers bring business value