Andrew's Digital Garden

Tiered design systems

Design systems don't need to be a single library, a single source of truth, a single core.

Systems are often explained with a core, and potential components to bring in from feature teams [[20211122112956-design-system-component-hierarchy]]. However, there's nothing stopping you from systemising library tiers. Each tier can be its own mini design system - responsible for a certain domain (not necessarily a feature domain), with components eventually being promoted up to the main core library.

Design systems are not unlike regular code. Code is first created in a co-located position. When it needs to be shared, its moved up to a more accessible position. Often time this process is repeated, with the code abstracting to more generic functionality that's applicable across a wide range of usage. A design system can mirror this process through tiers, enabling consistency at different scopes.

Failing to do this can mean the design system becomes a bottleneck. It aims to support everything for everyone, and effectively you've just offloaded all UI component work to a single team which is not sustainable.

Remember, design systems are [[systems of systems.]]

Don't limit yourself to code either, share libraries in your UI tooling too, like Figma.

Keywords: 'Expansion pack', 'Subsystems'

[[20220808103811-spotify-encore]] [[20231103105137-design-system-recipe-layer]]


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Tiered design systems