Andrew's Digital Garden

Breaking out of the design system

Design systems are great for many reasons [[20220509045044-design-system-why]]. However some of the positives can eventually become negatives:

  • Consistency becomes monotony
  • Speed is overrated, and can be overvalued
  • Designers and developers become imprisoned by the DS boundaries

Consumers may have a specific and unique need, and the DS shouldn't hold them back.

"The system defines solutions" -> "Solutions define the system"

When breaking the design system:

  1. Remember that form follows function. Don't deviate for no reason.
  2. Don't create silos. Think about all aspects of the experience/DS when breaking out.
  3. Acknowledge the machine. Consider how the code actually works so you end up with a feasible end state.

[[20220621083440-design-system-flexibility]] [[20221202114400-design-system-consistency]]

[[designsystem]] [[designsystemapi]]

Breaking out of the design system