Andrew's Digital Garden

CDK (Cloud Development Kit)

CDK is an [[20220627112853-infrastructure-as-code]] framework that provisions infrastructure through [[CloudFormation]]. Rather than using a templating language (as done in CloudFormation), you get all the power of a programming language, such as Typescript. This has many benefits, including:

  • Sharing high-level constructs
  • Use programming idioms like conditionals, loops, etc
  • Co-located infrastructure and application code
  • Allows for easier code reviews, etc

Some key terminology: Resource - An AWS resource CloudFormation uses, e.g. S3. Construct - Building blocks of CDK apps. It represents a 'cloud component' and encapsulates everything CloudFormation needs to create the component. May contain one or more resources. Stack - A unit of deployment. All resources defined within a stack are provisioned as a single unit. App - A container for one or more stacks.

[[aws]] [[infrastructure]]

Referred in

CDK (Cloud Development Kit)