Andrew's Digital Garden

Cloud Delivery Networks

A content delivery network (CDN) refers to a geographically distributed group of servers which work together to provide fast delivery of Internet content.

A CDN operates an Origin Server, which is the 'main' server that handles requests. Multiple CDN edge servers then sit in front of this at the [[20221107042816-network-edge]] that aim to reduce the load on the Origin Server. If you can store (i.e. cache) closer to the request, you can increase performance for that request.


The main benefits are:

  • Reducing load times. Users can connect to the geographically closest CDN server, which is often much closer than the origin server. This also reduces the latency.
  • Reducing bandwidth costs. CDNs cache content, meaning the hosting cost for the origin server is less
  • Content availability and redundancy. More servers, less problems. The distributed nature handles more traffic and helps when a single server goes down.
  • Website security. Similar to redundancy, having more servers stops against things like DDOS attacks.


[[architecture]] [[networking]] [[infrastructure]]

Cloud Delivery Networks