Andrew's Digital Garden

Delegating with the Eisenhower Matrix

The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple tool to help prioritise tasks on your plate. Plot work based on what's true, not what you 'should' be doing. Be realistic if you want proper results.

![[Eisenhower Matrix.png]]

Do now

If it's important, and it's urgent, get it done. Simple. If there's too much in this quadrant, see what you can move to 'say no' or 'delegate'

Say no

If you're not comrfortable outright saying no, put it on your backlog, a sticky note, or something that you can get to later. If you don't get to it, no big deal

Schedule for later or delegate

Put it on a list, or delegate it if there's a good opportunity


If you can pass it someone else, try to. Get things off your plate when you can, and if it's a good opportunity for others.


[[career]] [[management]] [[timemanagement]]

Delegating with the Eisenhower Matrix