What a 'frontend engineer' does is becoming more complicated. What was previously a term for developers that primarily worked in CSS, is becoming more bloated and is approaching 'full stack' development.
New terms are starting to be used to differentiate between different frontend engineers, namely 'front of frontend' and 'back of frontend'. A rule of thumb for the difference is that the former deals with the look and feel of a button, and the latter deals with what happens when the button is clicked.
Personally, I probably push that scale a little bit further. The line is fuzzy, and different engineers sit differently on the scale. Additionally, these aren't solidified terms - some engineers consider the split differently.
Works mostly in the HTML, CSS, and presentational JS area.
Works mostly in Javascript for web applications, but also starts to tread into the DevOps area.
https://css-tricks.com/the-great-divide/ https://bradfrost.com/blog/post/front-of-the-front-end-and-back-of-the-front-end-web-development/ https://leaddev.com/tech/what-makes-front-end-developer-2023