Andrew's Digital Garden

No work is designer-only or dev-only

In a [[designsystem]], it's easy to fall into a trap of work being 'designer only' or 'developer only'. In almost every case, this isn't true. Design systems are inherently cross discipline, and although different disciplines will have different workloads for a given project, both disciplines (and things like copywriting etc too) should always be involved to get the best result.

Otherwise, it's easy to get stuck on ideals, without being appropriately aware of the constraints. An idealistic design when the components don't work like that, or a tech health tweak that makes a design change that can't be comprimised.

Instead think of tasks a discipline-led - designer-led or developer-led. They'll be doing the bulk of the work, possibly making the final decisions, and managing the project, but ultimately should work with 'the other side'.

No work is designer-only or dev-only