Andrew's Digital Garden
Topic - a11y
#todo - separate into aria and a11y?
Referred in
ARIA Landmark Regions
Making a better input="number"
ARIA Landmark roles
ARIA roles and relationships
No ARIA is better than bad ARIA
Block links, and interactive cards
'read more...' links aren't accessible
Accessible names and descriptions
Toggle components
Font scaling and font size units
DOM order vs Visual order
Menu vs nav
Accessible progress bars
Accessible naming rules
HTML inert
Disabilities aren't always permanent
ARIA role types
Using `title` for a11y
HTML elements for ARIA landmark regions
ARIA roles: status & alert
Hiding things accessibly
Defensive :focus-visible
Implicit vs explicit labels for form controls
Hidden until-found collapsible
Don't disable buttons
Focus outlines
How to compose effective and user-friendly accessible names
Tooltips and their problems
Prefer semantic HTML over ARIA
Mismatch between affordances and functionality
CSS units
Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm (APCA)
Icon Button components
Accessibility overlays
Topic - a11y