Andrew's Digital Garden
Topic - css
Referred in
Overflow hidden vs clip
Topic - languages
Gradients to transparent in Safari
Layout components
CSS System Colours
Cyclic CSS variables
Utility vs Semantic CSS
Position fixed & transforms
Quantity queries in CSS
:is and :where selectors
CSS combinators
:enabled vs :not(:disabled)
@use in SASS
Extending in SASS
Every Layout
Width vs device-width, and responsive design
Border-radius accepts 8 values
Overscroll behaviour in CSS
Responsive props
@property with CSS Custom Properties
Utility props API
Block links, and interactive cards
Basics of CSS-in-JS
Digital Garden
:not selector
Scaling stroke width in SVGs
CSS `word-break` vs `overflow-wrap`
Style queries
Stacking Contexts in CSS
CSS Logical Properties
SVG paint-order & borders
Separating CSS files from components for CSS-in-JS
Margin collapse
Child selectors vs descendant selectors
CSS Custom Properties
Mixing colours in CSS
Pausing animations in CSS
Animated gradients in CSS
Extend a CSS background outside of its container
`leading-trim` in CSS
CSS `accent-color`
Creating non-rectangular backgrounds in CSS
DOM order vs Visual order
Cascade layers
CSS aspect-ratio
Using :has with odd numbered grids
Progressive enhancement
Specificity in CSS
Space as a first-class concept
Anatomy of Typography
The CSS Box Model
Atomic CSS
How styled-components injects styles
CSS and explicit dependencies
The Flexbox Holy Albatross
CSS variables flow down only
`clamp()` in CSS
How to select elements that are not children of other elements in CSS
Single source of styles in Styled Components
Fab four technique in CSS
Flow containers
Constructable stylesheets
Donut scope
Soft hyphens
Unpacking line-height in CSS
Loading fonts in a browser
Flex item minimum width
Web Components for design systems
Using box shadow over border
Using multiple box shadows
How to style the file input button
Scroll shadows
CSS variables make invalid statements valid
The Sidebar layout
Topic - layout
`lh` for sizing icons
Reusable components and width
Selecting the first n items in CSS
Build-time vs Runtime CSS-in-JS
Hiding things accessibly
Topic - html
`@supports` in CSS
:has(:not()) vs :not(:has())
:has selector
Styling scrollbars
Line heights should be unitless
Defensive :focus-visible
Layout modes in CSS
Why styled components uses two classes
rgba() is just rgb()
Focus outlines
Easy CSS Masks
CSS text balancing
Percentage based padding in CSS
Scroll margin
Web components
display: flow-root
@media hover feature
CSS Grid Blowouts
Selecting a range of n items in CSS
Matching border radiuses for nested corners
Viewport units
Single-class vs multi-class CSS
CSS attributes selectors
nth-child 'of S' syntax
CSS units
Subpixel rendering
The selectmenu element
Reusable components and margin
Background-clip in CSS
One invalid selector breaks the entire group
Snowflakes vs modifications
CSS Grid's `auto-fill` vs `auto-fit`
Topic - web
Braid's `Divider` component
CSS variables for theming
Intrinsic sizes in CSS
Container queries
The lobotomized owl selector
Partial CSS Variables
Colour variables
Semantic CSS
Background repeat
The top layer
Ampersand (&) in styled-components
Topic - css